Das Bildungsangebot der Umweltstation

You may misunderstand that hiring a personal chef will cost you a lot and it is not worth it to spend such huge money on this! This is a wrong idea. Personal chefs are now helping couples and families to present fabulous home cooked dinners to their guests. And it’s not as expensive as you think!

The reasons of hiring a personal chef: A personal chef will bring the food, create a nutritious and balanced meal, figure out the servings needed (so you don’t need to deal with leftovers) and most of all give you the freedom to focus on other aspects of entertaining while still providing the best food for your guests.

Das Bildungsangebot der Umweltstation

You may misunderstand that hiring a personal chef will cost you a lot and it is not worth it to spend such huge money on this! This is a wrong idea. Personal chefs are now helping couples and families to present fabulous home cooked dinners to their guests. And it’s not as expensive as you think!

The reasons of hiring a personal chef: A personal chef will bring the food, create a nutritious and balanced meal, figure out the servings needed (so you don’t need to deal with leftovers) and most of all give you the freedom to focus on other aspects of entertaining while still providing the best food for your guests.

Das Bildungsangebot der Umweltstation

You may misunderstand that hiring a personal chef will cost you a lot and it is not worth it to spend such huge money on this! This is a wrong idea. Personal chefs are now helping couples and families to present fabulous home cooked dinners to their guests. And it’s not as expensive as you think!

The reasons of hiring a personal chef: A personal chef will bring the food, create a nutritious and balanced meal, figure out the servings needed (so you don’t need to deal with leftovers) and most of all give you the freedom to focus on other aspects of entertaining while still providing the best food for your guests.

Das Bildungsangebot der Umweltstation

You may misunderstand that hiring a personal chef will cost you a lot and it is not worth it to spend such huge money on this! This is a wrong idea. Personal chefs are now helping couples and families to present fabulous home cooked dinners to their guests. And it’s not as expensive as you think!

The reasons of hiring a personal chef: A personal chef will bring the food, create a nutritious and balanced meal, figure out the servings needed (so you don’t need to deal with leftovers) and most of all give you the freedom to focus on other aspects of entertaining while still providing the best food for your guests.

Die nächsten Termine:

Februar 2025
15. Februar 2025


Jugendbildungshaus am Baggersee
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Das Bildungsangebot der Umweltstation

Orte – Geschäftsstelle und Jugendbildungshaus

Die Umweltstation und das BNE-Netzwerk sind im ganzen Stadtgebiet Ingolstadts mit Angeboten präsent. Zwei Orte sind allerdings zentral: unsere Geschäftsstelle in der Ludwigstraße und das Jugendbildungshaus am Baggersee.

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